đź”— This Nails the Current Landscape
Why wouldn’t people crave change? Why wouldn’t people be angry? Living in the current world can be absolutely fucking miserable, bereft of industry and filthy with manipulation, an undignified existence, a disrespectful existence that must be crushed if we want to escape the depressing world we’ve found ourselves in. Our media institutions are fully fucking capable of dealing with these problems, but it starts with actually evaluating them and aggressively interrogating them without fearing accusations of bias that will happen either way.
The truth is that the media is more afraid of bias than they are of misleading their readers. And while that seems like a slippery slope, and may very well be one, there must be room to inject the writer’s voice back into their work, and a willingness to call out bad actors as such, no matter how rich they are, no matter how big their products are, and no matter how willing they are to bark and scream that things are unfair as they accumulate more power.
If you’re in the tech industry and reading this and saying that “the media is too critical” of tech, you are flat fucking wrong. Everything we’re seeing happening right now is a direct result of a society that let technology and the ultra-rich run rampant, free of both the governmental guardrails that might have stopped them and the media ecosystem that might have held them accountable.
I don’t give a shit if these people have “raised a lot of money,” unless you use that as proof that something is fundamentally wrong with the tech industry. Meta making billions of dollars of profit is a sign of something wrong with society, not proof that it’s a “good company”
Ed has a very “special” way of communicating, and it is needed, refreshing, and right. Podcast network owner and host Leo Laporte called him an old British muckraker which is the perfect description of him.